Sunday, 16 November 2014

Why does my boyfriend / husband chat with other women?

It may not come as a big surprise to you that men are a total different species then women. The male gender come with very specific, sometimes seemingly awkward characteristics indeed. Yet, if we take a closer look into some of those male behavioural patters, such as the need to get attention from more then one woman then you might get an understanding of the how's and why's.

Why does my husband chat with other women?
Men are genetically polygamic

In the early times of human existence, and even before that when we were apes, the very existence of our race was based on survival. In short, food (hunting, gathering) and having as many offspring as possible. As the task of females was solely based on preparing food and taking care of the offspring, the men were tasked to collect food and spread their seed. And in those days that meant with as many women as possible. This to ensure that natural selection could do its job. It worked like that for millions of years, and only recently, some 2500 years ago the human race started to form a society based on monogamy.

You can see now that for men, the need to seek the attention of women is something that is hard-wired into their DNA, and although many men can manage to behave politely, there is always a lurking desire present. They may not always actually date or have sex with other women, yet it is quite understandable that natur follows its own path in some way or another.

You may also want to read: How to keep your boyfriend faithful

Monday, 14 April 2014

The Art of Subtle Flirting (Learn how to flirt)

Flirting is an art which not many girls, even the outgoing ones have successfully mastered. Moreover so if you happen to be shy. The fear of being turned down by a guy is not something every girl can handle. After all, the dreaded feeling of rejection only serves to diminish ones' confidence.

So what happens if you have the hots for a particular guy and you want him to know you are indeed interested?  How can you drop him subtle hints, without being too obvious of wanting to throw yourself at his doorstep and scaring him away? The answer for this is by 'flirting'...

Monday, 13 January 2014

I just started with the birth control pill, can I have sex without condom now?

The following questions came to us by email:
I've started taking the birth control pill for about a week now. Would you say it's now safe to have sex without condom or should I wait?
Dear <...>, if you've never taken the anti-conception (birth control) pill before it's always a very smart thing to wait at least a month before having intercourse without a secondary protection such as condom. It takes some time for the hormones inside the pill to be properly absorbed by your body and for your reproductive system to get adapted to the hormones in your daily birth control pills.

Having said that, if you have not yet started taking the pill, the best thing to do is to wait until the first day of your menstruation and starting with the first pill on that same day. If you do that, you are immediately protected, straight away, at least for 90%. After the first week after your menses, the protection should have reached a 99.5%, which doesn't get any higher.

If you're on the anti-conception pill, there's always a chance for you to get pregnant. The half percent chance will always remain. Unless you keep using a second birth control protection (i.e condom) which lowers those chances to 99.94 percent. Aside from that, getting pregnant is not the only issue to worry about. There are dozens of STD's (Sexually Transmittable Diseases) around, and the birth control pill doesn't protect you in any way against those nasty viruses! So if you're not sure if your partner is all clean, you'd better take the precaution and have sex with a condom. Even if you're already on the pill!

When you're certain that your boyfriend or one-night stand has no STD, feel free to make love without a condom, provided you've taken the birth control pill for at least 30 days prior to your intercourse (excluding the days you had your period!).

Monday, 6 January 2014

It's all about the hips

Sexy wide hips
Sexy wide hips attract men!
In the quite rare occasion you didn't know it yet... GUYS LOVE HIPS! They generally love 'em wide and round. So what if you don't have them? Well, there are several techniques at your disposal that can help you enhance your thighs and hips to become truly amazingly hot!

Girls, have a look at the following guide " How to get wider hips ". Good luck, I'm very sure this will be a winner!