Friday 31 May 2013

5 signs he can perform well in bed

So you want to predict whether he is a god between the sheets or just a flop...?

If you meet a new man, thisthought likely runs through your head: Will he be able to satisfy me sexually? Well, from his behavior you can already sort of make up how he is between the sheets! So read on and discover how you can predict!

5 signs that tell you a man is good in bed:

1. When he talks, he uses his hands
It can be useful to look at how a man uses his hands. He talks a lot with his hands? Then chances are that he's good in bed. If he uses his hands while talking a lot, can you imagine how much he uses them between the sheets?!

2. He does not boast
If a man is good in bed, he probably doesn't talk much about his sex life and how good he is in bed. Men who hang great stories, usually have something to hide, and they use the talking to compensate it. So beware: If he doesn't speak so loud and proud of his sexual conquests, he has probably true bedroom qualities!.

3. He listens to you
Do you notice that he listens to you during a call or face to face conversation? Very good! Men who listen to you, find it important to know how you feel, they want you to feel good! Especially in the romantic moments.

4. He can tie knots in 5 seconds
Notice how he makes his tie (if he has one). Is it fast and smooth or is he a klutz? How he does his tie says a lot about his motor. Finger Swift men have better motor skills in bed. If he doesn't wear ties, you can also pay special attention to his shoe-laces.

5. He holds the door for you
It's important that a man has good manners. He holds the door open for you? He pushes your seat for you? Then he understands the concept ladies first. Good chances are he also has that institution during sex.

Extra: How to prepare for a blowjob

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